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The Atlantic Declaration for a Twenty-First Century U.S.-UK Economic Partnership has been announced by the US and the UK.

  • The long-standing alliance between the two countries is intended to be modified, strengthened, and rethought in order to successfully meet the challenges of the modern period.
  • Both countries hope to further their cooperation in the fields of economics, defence, security, science, and technology with this new statement.

Major Highlights of the Atlantic Declaration

  • The goal of the Atlantic Declaration is to eliminate strategic dependence by creating a safe, diversified, and resilient supply chain.
  • In order to promote shared growth, generate job opportunities, and uplift communities, the alliance hopes to take advantage of the energy transition and technology advancements.

Atlantic Declaration Action Plan (ADAPT):

  • The ADAPT lays out a thorough plan to boost economic development, competitiveness, and resilience while giving workers, businesses, the environment, and national security top priority.
  • In order to advance and raise ambition over time, the plan includes frequent high-level discussions and is built around five important pillars.

Five Pillars:

  • Leadership in Critical and Emerging Technologies: Exchanging best practises in fields such advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.
  • Technology governance, supply chain resilience, and information exchange are all part of the cooperation on economic security and technology protection.
  • Collaboration on workforce development and digital skills training to guarantee that people are prepared for the digital economy. Partnering on an Inclusive and Responsible Digital Transformation.
  • Building the Future Clean Energy Economy.
  • Enhancing the alliance's capabilities in space, health security, and defence.

What are the Major Pillars of UK-US Partnership?

Historical Significance of the U.S.-UK Partnership:

  • Leading on international issues has largely been made possible by the US-UK alliance.
  • A world order based on norms was established in 1941 with the signing of the Atlantic Charter.
  • The partnership's commitment to shared values was reaffirmed and its vision was updated by the New Atlantic Charter, which was signed in 2021.

Political Affairs:

  • Additionally, the two nations are strong allies in NATO and other international organisations including the UN, G7, and G20.

Economic Ties:

  • The United States is the single greatest investor in the United Kingdom, and the UK is the largest source of direct investment in the US.

Security and Defense Cooperation:

  • Since World Wars I and II, the United States and the United Kingdom have collaborated on military operations and shared intelligence.
  • The Five Eyes intelligence partnership, which also includes Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, includes the two nations.
  • AUKUS has been implemented in a significant way, particularly by assisting Australia's purchase of nuclear-powered, conventionally armed submarines.
  • A free and open area is supported by tighter cooperation, which is encouraged through the US-UK Indo-Pacific Dialogue.
  • The Pacific Islands, ASEAN cooperation, and trilateral joint exercises all improve regional peace, stability, and technology.


Q. The new tri-nation partnership AUKUS is aimed at countering China’s ambitions in the Indo-Pacific region. Is it going to supersede the existing partnerships in the region? Discuss the strength and impact of AUKUS in the present scenario. (2021)

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