Srinagar Recognised as ‘World Craft City’

Srinagar Recognised as ‘World Craft City’


  1. Srinagar was designated as a 'World Craft City' by the World Crafts Council (WCC), a non-governmental organisation.
  2. Recognition expected to reopen Kashmir's centuries-old linkages with craft centers in Central Asia and Iran.
  3. Significant honour for a city with over 4,000 years of written history and a rich craft heritage.


  1. Boosts Kashmir's traditional linkages with Central Asia and Iran, leading to knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  2. Promotes genuine crafts and craftsmen, helping preserve cultural heritage.
  3. Enhances global recognition and demand for Kashmir's handicrafts, leading to increased sales and tourism.

Impact on Kashmir's Craft Sector:

  1. Craft sector in Kashmir is witnessing a revival, with exports increasing from Rs. 1,000 to 2,000 crores in the last five years.
  2. Artisans benefiting from upward mobility in the craft sector, with opportunities for sustainable income and skill preservation.
  3. WCC tag supports preservation of cultural heritage and provides access to networks for collaboration and growth.

Historical Context:

  1. Kashmir's craft scene has a rich history, with masterpieces created in various art sectors, including shawls, carpets, and papier-mâché.
  2. Significant change in the 14th century with the arrival of Persian and Central Asian preachers and artisans.
  3. Kashmir's shawl and carpet industry was heavily influenced by Persian artisans in the past.

About World Craft City:

  1. Initiative launched in 2014 by World Crafts Council AISBL (WCC-International), recognizing the crucial role of local authorities, craftspeople, and communities in global cultural, economic, and social development.
  2. Establishes a vibrant network of craft cities worldwide, aligned with the principles of the creative economy.
  3. Jaipur (Rajasthan), Mammalapuram (Tamil Nadu), and Mysore (Karnataka) added as craft cities from India under the World Craft City Programme.

Crafting Masterpieces in Srinagar:

  1. Papier-Mâché: Art of creating objects from mashed and moulded paper pulp, traditionally painted and often covered with lacquer or varnish.
  2. Pashmina Shawls, Kani, Sozni: Hand-spun and hand-woven Pashmina fabric, originating from the picturesque landscape of Kashmir.
  3. Sozni Shawls: Sozni embroidery, a Persian-derived art form meaning "needle" and "needlework," practiced by skilled artisans called sozankars.

World Crafts Council: Key Facts

  1. Founded in 1964 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation by Ms. Aileen O. Webb, Ms. Margaret M. Patch, and Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay.
  2. Mission: To strengthen the status of crafts in cultural and economic life.
  3. Aim: To promote fellowship among craftspersons, offering encouragement, help, and advice.
  4. Activities: Promotes and assists cultural exchange through conferences, international visits, research studies, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and more.


The 'World Craft City' tag is a significant recognition for Srinagar and Kashmir's rich craft heritage. Expected to promote cultural exchange, preserve traditional crafts, and provide economic benefits to artisans and the local economy.

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