Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome


Researchers from Kerala have reported a series of cases from Malappuram district where the regular use of fairness creams has been linked to nephrotic syndrome.

  1. Heavy metal screening of the blood and urine samples of these patients revealed high levels of mercury, the toxic effects of which are well-known

About Nephrotic syndrome

  1. Nephrotic syndrome is a medical condition that affects the kidneys, causing the body to release an excessive amount of protein in the urine.
  2. It often results from damage to the kidney filters, known as glomeruli, which hinders their ability to retain proteins in the blood.

Key Points:

  1. Causes:
    1. Nephrotic syndrome is not a specific kidney disease but can occur in various kidney diseases that damage the filtering units, allowing protein leakage into the urine.
    2. Some diseases causing nephrotic syndrome, like nephritis, primarily affect the kidneys, while others like diabetes and lupus affect other body parts.
  2. Symptoms:
    1. Severe swelling, particularly around the eyes, ankles, and feet.
    2. Foamy urine due to excess protein.
    3. High levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood (hyperlipidemia).
    4. Weight gain due to fluid retention.
    5. Fatigue and loss of appetite.
  3. Complications:
    1. Increased risk of blood clots and thrombosis.
    2. Higher susceptibility to infections due to reduced immunoglobulins in the blood.
    3. High blood pressure (hypertension).
    4. Kidney problems, including chronic kidney disease and kidney failure.
  4. Treatment:
    1. Treatment involves finding the underlying cause and taking measures to control high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, and the risks of infection.
    2. Medications and dietary changes are usually part of the treatment plan.

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