India's Energy Transition and Global Rankings

India's Energy Transition and Global Rankings


World Economic Forum's Energy Transition Index (ETI) 2023

  1. India's Ranking:
    1. India ranked 63rd on the global Energy Transition Index
    2. The index was released on June 19, 2023, by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
  2. Top Performers:
    1. European nations dominated the top ranks
    2. Sweden topped the index
    3. Top 5: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, France
    4. China ranked 20th
  3. Global Context:
    1. 83% of countries have regressed in at least one of three energy system performance dimensions: security, equity, and sustainability
    2. The energy transition has lost momentum due to increasing global uncertainty

India's Progress and Initiatives

  1. Renewable Energy:
    1. India is the 4th-largest renewables market globally
    2. Renewable energy and biomass comprise 42% of India's power generation capacity
  2. Investment and Innovation:
    1. Annual investments in clean energy infrastructure nearing $10 billion
    2. Driving adoption of electric vehicles (EVs)
    3. Promoting production of green hydrogen
  3. Emissions:
    1. India's per capita emissions: 1.7 tonnes of CO2
    2. 60% lower than the global average of 4.4 tonnes of CO2 per capita
  4. WEF's Observations:
    1. India is leading in creating replicable outcomes for energy transition
    2. Improvement shown in energy equity, security, and sustainability
    3. Focus on leveraging energy for income generation and supporting microenterprises
    4. Emphasis on affordability and economic viability of sustainable energy solutions
  5. Areas for Improvement:
    1. Need to decouple economic growth from energy demand
    2. Significant investment required in energy efficiency, especially in new infrastructure and manufacturing capacity

Role of India and China in Global Energy Transition

  1. Population Impact:
    1. India and China represent roughly a third of the global population
    2. Both countries will play a critical role in the global energy transition
  2. Progress:
    1. Both have shown improvements in renewable energy buildout, energy access, and energy security
  3. Challenges:
    1. Coal phase-down trajectory remains a major driver of emissions in both countries
  4. Opportunities:
    1. Both countries are well-positioned for green tech manufacturing

Global Energy Transition Trends

  1. Overall Progress:
    1. 107 out of 120 countries showed progress in their energy transition journeys over the past decade
  2. Slowing Pace:
    1. The overall pace of transition has slowed
    2. Balancing different facets of energy transition remains a key challenge
  3. Innovation:
    1. While global innovation growth has slowed, countries like China and India are leading in developing new energy solutions and technologies
  4. Emerging and Developing Asia:
    1. Showed an 8% improvement in ETI scores over the past decade
    2. Main improvement in reducing energy intensity

WEF Recommendations

  1. Policy Interventions:
    1. Governments should consider creating awareness and policy interventions
    2. Suggestions include guidelines for energy-efficient built infrastructure
    3. Incentives for retrofitting to create an enabling environment for accelerated adoption
  2. Opportunity for Developing World:
    1. Potential to rewrite rules and lead in energy demand transformation
    2. Emphasis on frugal, scalable innovation originating in developed countries and scaled globally

The WEF's Energy Transition Index 2023 reveals a complex global landscape, with India making notable progress despite ranking 63rd. While European nations lead, emerging economies are driving significant change. Moving forward, the focus must be on balancing energy security, equity, and sustainability. Developing nations have a unique opportunity to pioneer innovative, scalable solutions. As global uncertainties persist, collaborative efforts and adaptive strategies will be crucial in shaping a sustainable energy future for all.

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