Emergency Alert System

Emergency Alert System



Why in News?

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake and an aftershock in Nepal on November 3rd, 2023, have highlighted significant deficiencies in emergency alert systems in and around Delhi.

  • Despite the region experiencing tremors, both government and private alert mechanisms failed to reach a significant number of people who experienced palpable shaking.

Emergency Alert Systems in India

  1. Google’s Android Earthquake Early Warning System:

  • The feature utilizes Android smartphones' sensors to detect seismic activity and alert users about potential earthquakes.
  • The organization also collaborates with seismological agencies to enhance earthquake detection and analysis through data collection and sharing.
  • Google introduced a new feature in India in September 2023, in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the National Centre for Seismology.

  • Google's alerts are triggered using the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale, an alternative to the Richter scale.
  • The MMI scale quantifies the impact of an earthquake on a specific location, encompassing the observed effects on people, buildings, and objects.
  1. Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS):

  • The CBAS technology enables the timely and critical dissemination of disaster management messages to all mobile devices within specific geographical areas, regardless of resident or visitor status.
  • Cell Broadcast is utilized for delivering emergency alerts, public safety messages, evacuation notices, and other critical information, such as severe weather warnings and earthquakes.
  • The alerts are generated and disseminated in collaboration with various agencies, including the Department of Telecommunications (DOT), NDMA, and other relevant departments.
  1. Ministry of Earth Science’s National Centre for Seismology (NCS):

  • The agency is responsible for monitoring and reporting seismic activity in India and its surrounding areas.
  • The organization operates a nationwide network of seismological observatories, providing real-time data and information on earthquakes and tsunamis.
  • BhooKamp, a website and mobile app, is used to provide earthquake alerts and updates to the public.

Challenges in the Emergency Alert Systems

  1. Lack of Coordination and Integration:

  • India's absence of a standardized emergency alert system leads to inconsistent and unreliable information for the public and authorities.
  • Multiple agencies and platforms operate independently, leading to confusion, duplication, and delays in alert generation and dissemination.
  • The NCS website and app experienced a sudden crash during recent tremors in Delhi, causing a surge in traffic and requiring real-time information.
  1. Lack of Accuracy and Timeliness:

  • India's emergency alert systems are unable to provide precise and timely information on the location, magnitude, intensity, and impact of disasters.
  • The issue is attributed to limitations in data collection, analysis, and transmission.
  1. Lack of Awareness and Preparedness:

  • India's emergency alert systems struggle to effectively communicate with the masses due to a lack of public awareness and preparedness among authorities.
  • Many individuals lack the knowledge to access, interpret, and respond to alerts, often dismissing them as false alarms.

Way Forward

  1. Create a comprehensive emergency alert system that integrates various channels such as SMS, voice calls, social media, and traditional methods.
  • The goal is to establish effective coordination and integration with key agencies such as MoES, DoT, NDMA, IMD, and NCS.
  1. Utilize advanced technologies like satellites and Artificial Intelligence to improve data collection, analysis, and transmission.
  2. Enhance infrastructure by expanding seismological observatories, deploying more sensors, and upgrading computing capabilities.
  • The goal is to issue immediate alerts with detailed information on the location, magnitude, and impact of a disaster.
  1. The purpose is to educate and inform the public about disaster risks, mitigation strategies, and the functionality of emergency alert systems.
  2. The plan involves conducting regular drills with stakeholders and communities to test and improve alert systems and response mechanisms.



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